Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I am fucking furious!!!!!!!!

my car was broken into and this is what was stolen

-debit card
-check book
-Ray Bans
-Vespa bag
-my blinkers don't work now.

I was a mess. But I thought you know what. it's gonna be ok. Cause insurance is gonna cover it. NO they aren't going to. Because it's personal property and I don't live with my parents. They might not even replace the stereo. So that sucks. But then I won five hundred dollars at work. Which was AMAZING!

today I get on to see whats going on with my bank account after I shut everything down. The mother fuckers made a withdrawl. I can see it cause it's posted online. NOT my handwriting, NOT my signature and how fucking dare US Bank not ID these skeezy little shits! I want to kill somebody! I'll get the money back. And I hope to God they got them on video. Cause I want somebodies ass prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I needed to rant. and I don't want to bother anyone. I just wanna kill some mother fuckers

the end


Sunday, April 20, 2008

mother fucking snakes

so its 4/20 and although there is one very obvious thing that
comes to mind on this day my thoughts turn to another thing.
4/20 is the birthday of this girl I don't even know who married
a good friend of mine. And I don't think that should have ever
happened. THE END OF THAT

my life I feel has reached it's peak of pointlessness, and I can't wait to go back to school! I might even gather up some cash and go pay all of my library fees just so I can check out a big fat book of knowlege.

I've got a fever and the only perscription is more knowlege.""

Just saying. I've reached a point where I don't even want to watch tv unless I am learning
I don't want to drink any alcohol
I don't want to smoke any weed, or cigs
I don't want a boy to touch me let alone kiss me
all I want to do is learn. and be a better person
is that selfish? I don't think so.
It's about fucking time I better myself, because there are mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane. and it's going down soon.

I hate how everytime I'm sick it feels like the first time
I always say ok, ok last time was a walk in the park. THIS time it really is the worst pain ever.
do I have a low pain tollerance... how does one even know if they do or not..
You can't be another person for a day and find out... oh yeah this hurts way more in this body than it does in my real body.

Do they have pain tollerance tests at like colleges. I'm sure I'll read about some study for pain tollerance soon in some womens health magazine. I buy a lot of them

I need to know how to do things

like how to do fifty types of crunches
and how to know if my mascara is too old to use
and what sunscreen is the best for whatever situation.
Why do I care so much about all these things?
The truth is I don't, I just like scanning over the pictures.
I think these magazines make me feel more responsible and healthy.
working out for twenty minute makes me feel skinnier
shopping at whole foods makes me go home and clean the kitchen, not an easy task mind you. Why? I don't know but it works every time and I love it.

Well this has been a particularly fun little rant for me. Now I have to go get ready for work. and what do you know the pain killers finally kicked in!

why am I so blessed?


Friday, April 18, 2008

lines that replay in my head and make me laugh

remember that seashell you bought me at the beach? It doesn't work.

I think that everyday. I hope I made it up. I will add more lines as I they come to me. I gotta save this stuff.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

one fish two fish red fish blue fish

Snorkeling has to be on of the coolest, scariest thing I've done in my life.
When I was younger I went and I wasn't scared. Now here I am twenty years old and trying to calm myself down with my face in the water. Calming down in the water is hard. I have issues with the ocean. I'm sure a lot of people do. When I was little I was so clueless of how small I was. When you see the ocean you become acutely aware of how small and insignificant you really are. You realize how lonely this world could be. But I am not lonely. Thank God for that. Anyways, the greatest thing about snorkeling is when there is a clearing of coral where you can see the sandy floor looking down makes you feel like you are actually flying. It's one of my dad's favorite things to do. And it's hard to find things that make him really happy.