Monday, February 18, 2008

Fifth Grade Poetry

I wrote this poem in 5th grade.

Pink Breeze (sounds like a walgreen's brand perfume. sorry.)

Pretty pink trees grow
Butterflies spread their blue wings
The warm breeze tickles.

Here's a metaphor I wrote in 5th grade.

The stars were diamonds glimmering bright.

I wish I was in 5th grade again. I want to be pure like my 5th grade self.

So she's perfect.

Friday, February 15, 2008

These Keys Are Sticky... I hate this

Where art the all the eligible bachelors in the land? Bring them hither.

I've started talking like that because I watched Shrek the III twice today, and four times this week. It's sad I have the first one and the third one. I don't like either of them half as much as I like the second. Wow.... I'm going to have a hard time fitting in with people my age when I go back to school. I can see myself in a classroom having debates over how many Land Before Time movies there actually are.

I'm counting nine. There could be more, not to mention "In Eimen Land Vor Unserer Zeit 4" German Land Before Time. It's more depressing than you remember it being as a child!

The house I'm babysitting at right now has the scariest cat EVER! It's meow sounds like some kind of mutated child. I feel bad for it though. It's dying.... But I wish it would hurry up. It scares me.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was voted, "best potential mother" on facebook. thanks.. now I'll never get a boyfriend guys!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mixed Monday's

So last night was my first Mixed Monday, and I'd have to say it went rather well.

I brought mixed signals
Colleen brought mixed metaphors
gabe brought taco bell
travis brought mixalobe light.... hmm
Jeremy brought flaming Dr. Peppers.. just what the Dr. ordered

And so the night ended the way they usually do. with a game of Dance Dance Revolution and uncalled for language.

I woke up at five in the morning to a huge storm. I was so thirsty that I got out of my nice warm bed. Gabe and Jeremy were still awake watching Seinfeld. Why?

Someone, in fact the only person who reads this besides myself will be happy to know that I purchased a bathing suit today. Guess what? It was not a one piece. I'd hate to let Hawaii down, by being modest.

goodnight all.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Dairy of a dyslexic virgin

Tomorrow is the first day of lent.

I'm giving up sex.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I find my life hilarious in all ways

The Newbs

So I am working right now. Olivia is sleeping. Davis (day day) is at preschool, all is good.

When I get my own house all to myself I'm gonna get a golden retriever.. they are just my favorite.


so I've been trying to figure out if I'm a boring person. Or if I'm more complex than I even realize.
and why am I so bad at hugging people?